Thursday, 30 July 2020


Friday, 24 July 2020

Blog post T3W1

This week has been so chaotic, there's been lots of changes in our learning this term. This includes weekly roundups, ninja maths, learning through play, priorities,  fluency tutor and more. I’ve enjoyed the new changes that have been made. I am part of the group for this week’s weekly round up. To make our movie/video we are using iMovie. The video can only be 2 minutes maximum, the video has to be about this weeks learning in MLH! We’ve also started using  ninja maths, It's just three different columns of maths questions. 

I think of it like this: easy, medium & hard. LTP = Learning through play. It’s the first year that Moana Syndicate will be doing LTP. There’s different options to choose from. The options are : Lego, Makey Makey, Junkey Monkey & Cardboard Nation. Our priorities haven’t changed too much from last term, but it's just the check in that's changed. Fluency Tutor is a website that helps young and old students to improve in the fluency when it comes to reading. Everyone's excited to see what this term will bring to us, don’t forget to give me some feedback about my writing in the comments.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020