This term has been so much fun! There’s been lots of changes in class. There’s been fun things happening and not so fun things happening. Today I’m going to tell you what I’ve liked this term and what I disliked this term. We’ve done speeches, read the book Holes. We even got to go on a Marae trip To Te Poho o Rawiri, that was loads of fun.
Some of the changes are priorities, our timetables and games we play for fitness.
Priorities are a list of things that we are given to do during the week. At the end of the week hopefully all of our priorities will be done. When we’re done the teacher will mark our work according to the effort that we put into those tasks. We will earn points on Class Dojo. If one of your tasks are marked as red you will earn 1 point, If it is orange you will earn 3 points. If it is green you will earn 5 points. Timetables are something that we plan at the in the morning so we know what we’re doing for the day.
At the start of the term we learnt some new games. One of the games that we’ve learnt is called Medic, Medic is like a game of dodgeball but you and your team will have a quick meeting to agree on who your two medics will be. If you get hit by a ball your medics will tag you on the hand and that will allow you to get back up.
Another game that we’ve been playing is called Ultimate Rounders, it's kind of like baseball except there’s obstacle courses. You will need to teams. There will be one pitcher that yells STOP once they’re in the circle and they’re holding the ball. The people on that pitchers team will be fielders they will throw the ball to the pitcher so they can yell STOP. Someone from the other team will be batting and once they’ve hit the ball they run super fast so they can get to the end of the first course and it goes on. In this game you will need to be very strategic.
My highlights for term three for me is going to Te Poho o Rawiri. I enjoyed playing games and going up Kaiti Hill. I’ve really enjoyed the games that we play although I’m not the best at all of the games. My favourite game that we play is called Medic it’s a really fun! I enjoy working on priorities it’s easier and you know what you have to do next.